ADR + Looping
ADR + Looping + Loop Groups = LA Voice Freelancers
Languages / Accents / Dialects: Spanish (Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Caribbean, Dominican, Newyorican, Spanglish) English (Slightly accented to the heavily accented) Italian (Conversational Italian, mostly Rome region)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monster High Signing: The Voice of Viperine Gorgon and Scary Stone, Voice Actress Yeni Alvarez to sign Monster High DVD’s and Dolls at Dark Delicacies, this Saturday June 21
Dark Delicacies and Yeni Alvarez will be donating part of the proceeds to Children’s Hospital Charity

LOS ANGELES, CA (June 19th, 2014) – Dark Delicacies in Burbank, CA will be hosting a signing with voiceover actress Yeni Alvarez from Mattel’s Monster High: Frights, Camera Action! DVD. The signing will take place this Saturday, June 21st from 2pm to 3pm, at Dark Delicacies located at 3512 W Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505.
As the voice of Viperine Gorgon and Scary Stone, Yeni Alvarez is always thrilled to meet her fans and hear their stories. Monster High costumes are always encouraged! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Children’s Hospital. For more information please contact Dark Delicacies
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EVENT: Signing Event: Voiceover Actress Yeni Alvarez to sign copies of Monster High: Frights, Camera, Action! DVD at Dark Delicacies
DATE/TIME:Saturday, June 21st, 2-3pm
LOCATION: Dark Delicacies, 3512 W Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505(818) 556-6660
ABOUT YENI ALVAREZ Yeni’s credits include WB’s villain Aqua Maria in “Static Shock,” lovable artist Carmela in Disney’s “Handy Manny,” Viperine doll in Mattel’s “Monster High” series, and Spanish voice of Wyldstyle in the Lego MovieVideo Game. Yeni is also the Spanish voice at Disney Theme Parks Worldwide that tells you to you’re your hands inside the vehicle at all times. As Nickelodeon’s newest Latina, Yeni will be arriving straight into everyone’s hearts in the form of an animated cartoon character named Carmen, in the long awaited animated series “Get Blake”set to premiere fall of 2014.
ABOUT DARK DELICACIES Dark Delicacies is America’s Home of Horror. We cater to the horror lover young and old and have dozens of signings and events throughout the year. Toys, Books, DVDs, T-Shirts, Kid’s Clothes and the first full in-store salon offerings of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) oils, sprays soaps and other eclectic items. Check out our website for a list of upcoming signings.
ABOUT CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL For over 25 years, The Children’s Hospital at The Medical Center of Central Georgia has been the primary source of healthcare for Central & South Georgia children providing the highest quality, personalized, and child-friendly pediatric care in our region. We provide comprehensive, round-the-clock care with a highly trained pediatric staff to care for patients and their families. The Children’s Hospital is a 112-bed hospital that serves children, infant to 18 years of age from over 29 primary Central and South Georgia counties. As the only dedicated children’s facility between Atlanta, Georgia and Gainesville, Florida, The Children’s Hospital offers an array of over 30 pediatric subspecialists from Pediatric Surgery to Pediatric Cardiology. The Children’s Hospital partners with Mercer University School of Medicine as a teaching hospital where residents learn pediatric medicine. The Children’s Hospital expands quality healthcare beyond The Medical Center of Central Georgia walls. Outreach services include the Children’s Health Center, The Crescent House, Hope For Kids (Hematology & Oncology), Children’s Hospital Outpatient Services, pediatric & neonatal transport services and much more. We provide children and their families high quality outpatient care close to home. Children are not just small adults, their health care needs are different. At The Children’s Hospital we bring service excellence and experience to care for kids when they need it the most.
Yeni Alvarez as Viperine and Scary Stone in Monster High Fright, Camera Action! Movie
This past year, I had the infinite pleasure of voicing two characters in Mattel’s Monster High. Viperine, a recurring character in their webisodes, and Scary Stone, a Hauntlywood writer. Below are a few photos these adorable characters and the amazing Viperine doll!
I gotta say, I am having a blast looking through all the fan photos, dress-ups, and video reviews online! To all Monster High Fans: Keep it up!
Yeni Alvarez Voiceover – Lego Marvel Super Heroes
One of the funniest gamer commentary on Lego Marvel Super Heroes> I had the pleasure of voicing Black Widow, Mystique, Jean Grey, and Dark Phoenix. A Marvel-ous dream come true!Google: Lost in Translation
Think you can use Google translate for your projects? A look at this video below will make you think twice.‘Beauty’ Animated Film by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro
B E A U T Y – dir. Rino Stefano Tagliafierro
A path of sighs through the emotions of life.
A tribute to the art and her disarming beauty.
Assistant Director
2nd Assistant Director
Editing – Compositing – Animation
Sound Design
Art Direction
Video Website
Berlin: Chris Colfer, Ron Perlman Voicing ‘Robodog’
Dave McNary Film Reporter Dave McNary Reports on “Glee” star Chris Colfer and Ron Perlman. They have come on board to Marza Animation Planet’s animated film “Robodog,” to be directed by Henry F. Anderson III (“Stuart Little”).
Timeless Films is handling international rights and will present “Robodog” to buyers at next month’s European Film Market in Berlin.
Paul Wang is producing “Robodog” with Robert Reece and William Schneider writing.Voiceover work starts Feb. 1.
Colfer’s voicing an energetic but overzealous robotic dog and Perlman is supplying the voice to a curmudgeonly real dog, set in his ways with little patience for anything new.
The project is Colfer’s first animated role. He also wrote and starred in “Struck By Lightning,” directed by Brian Dannelly.
Perlman’s voiceover work includes “Tangled,” “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” and the upcoming “The Book of Life.”
Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney to get Spanish Voiceover
Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney to get Spanish voiceover Jan 29, 2014 by RawmeatCowboy We already know that Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney is going to feature English voice acting and text, but what about our Spanish speaking friends? Early reports from Nintendo Iberica say that the game will indeed feature Spanish voiceover alongside the text translation. No word on if Spanish voice actors from the Professor Layton series will reprise their roles.
Nintendo Ibérica confirma que El Profesor Layton VS Phoenix Wright llegará con doblaje en español
Layton vs Ace Attorney
Hace unos días nos alegramos muchísimo al comprobar mediante la web de Nintendo España, que efectivamente El Profesor Layton VS Phoenix Wright llegará a nuestro país con subtítulos en español, algo que no estaba del todo claro por estar Capcom de por medio…
Pero tras estos momentos de felicidad nos asaltaba una nueva duda ¿estará también doblado en nuestro idioma? ¿O tendremos que conformarnos con leer los subtítulos mientras escuchamos al Profesor Layton y a Phoenix Wright hablando la lengua de Shakespeare? Otros medios afirman que sí, que el juego llegará con voces en castellano, pero nosotros somos unos desconfiados y hemos querido tener nuestras propias pruebas antes de confirmar nada, y aquí os las traemos de la mano de Nintendo Ibérica:
confirmacion nintendo iberica doblaje profesor layton
Pero como nuestra curiosidad es insaciable, también queríamos saber quién pondrá las voces a estos personajes tan conocidos. En el caso de Layton, tras oírle decir cientos de veces “todo puzle tiene una solución”, lo lógico sería que el actor de doblaje sea el mismo, es decir, Jorge Varela. Mientras que Miguel Ángel García debería ser el encargado de hacernos volver a disfrutar con un “¡protesto!”, “¡toma ya!” o “¡un momento!” de aquellos que pudimos escuchar en Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations. Sin embargo, parece que esta información tardaremos un poquito más en conocerla…
confirmacion nintendo iberica doblaje layton
Dejando a un lado quién pondrá la voz a cada personaje, sin duda es una magnífica noticia el confirmar de primera mano que un juego de esta categoría llegará íntegro en español ¿no os parece? En cuanto tengamos nuevos detalles los compartiremos con vosotros.